How to choose the right domain name?

Choosing the right domain name is a crucial step in establishing a strong and memorable online presence. Your domain serves as the virtual front door to your brand or business, making it imperative to select a name that is not only easy to remember but also reflective of your identity and values.

To help you navigate this important decision, here are some key tips to consider when choosing the perfect domain name:

Choose a domain name that is easy to spell and remember. Avoid using complex or confusing words, numbers, or hyphens, as these can make it harder for people to find and remember your website.

Your domain name should be related to your brand or business. Choose a name that reflects your brand identity, values, and products or services.

Short domain names are easier to remember and type. Try to keep your domain name under 15 characters.Conciseness is key when it comes to crafting a domain that leaves a lasting impression.

 Your domain name can impact your search engine rankings. Consider using keywords relevant to your industry or niche in your domain name to improve your SEO.

Before registering a domain name, check to make sure that it doesn’t infringe on any existing trademarks. This can help you avoid legal issues down the road.

Get feedback from friends, family, or colleagues to ensure that your domain name is easy to remember, spell, and pronounce.

Consider which domain extension best suits your business. For example, if you’re targeting a local audience, a country-specific domain extension like .ph may be a good option.

Overall, your domain name should reflect your brand, be easy to remember, and help your target audience find and remember your website.

Secure your .ph domain today and start building your online presence. Get started now!

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat. This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and […]

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Filipinos’ Love .PH: A Domain Extension Worth Celebrating!

50% of all Philippine websites now use a .PH domain name

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat.

This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and offers tips to safeguard your online presence.

When a domain expires, it enters a vulnerable state, becoming available for registration by anyone, irrespective of their intentions. Malicious individuals or companies may seize the opportunity to register the expired domain, assuming control and utilizing it for various malicious purposes. This could involve redirecting traffic to their own websites, engaging in spam activities, or launching phishing attacks.

In some instances, the new domain owner might resort to extortion tactics, demanding a ransom from the previous owner for the release of the domain. This can result in a frustrating and costly experience for the original domain owner, who may find themselves entangled in a tricky situation trying to regain control of their online identity.

To mitigate the risks of domain hijacking, proactive measures must be taken. The following steps can help safeguard your domain and online reputation:

  • Timely Renewal
    Ensure that you renew your domain registration well in advance of its expiration date. Regularly check the expiration date and set up reminders to avoid unintentional lapses.
  • Timely Updated Contact Information
    Keep your contact information current with your domain registrar. This includes email addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant details. This ensures that you receive renewal notices and any important communication regarding your domain.
  • Timely Domain Locking
    Enable domain locking through your registrar to add an extra layer of security. Domain locking prevents unauthorized transfers, making it more challenging for malicious entities to seize control of your domain.

Implement two-factor authentication for your domain registrar account. This adds an additional layer of protection by requiring a secondary verification step beyond just a password.

Consider renewing your domain registration for multiple years. This not only provides long-term stability but also reduces the likelihood of forgetting to renew in the future.

Your domain is a crucial element of your online identity, and allowing it to expire puts you at risk of domain hijacking. Take proactive steps to protect your online presence by renewing your domain in a timely manner, keeping contact information up to date, enabling domain locking, implementing two-factor authentication, and considering multi-year renewals.

Don’t let your domain expire – renew it today and safeguard your online reputation!

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How to choose the right domain name?

Elevate your online brand with the perfect domain! Explore these expert tips for choosing a memorable and influential domain name. Secure your .ph domain now and make your mark in the digital world.

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Filipinos’ Love .PH: A Domain Extension Worth Celebrating!

50% of all Philippine websites now use a .PH domain name

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Filipinos’ Love .PH: A Domain Extension Worth Celebrating!

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for individuals and businesses alike. Choosing the right domain extension is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of a website. While .com has long been the go-to choose for many, Filipino citizens have increasingly shown their love for the .PH domain extension.

According to Data Provider, “Choosing between a ccTLD and a gTLD isn’t just a technical decision but a strategic one. If you want to focus on local presence, cultural connections, or compliance with regional regulations, a ccTLD may be the perfect fit”. This can be seen as many notable brands both locally and globally have launched .PH websites such as, and etc.

In this press release, we’ll explore why .PH domains are gaining popularity among Filipinos and provide statistics to support this trend. In fact, according to Data Provider, a reputable data expert company, 50% of all Philippine websites now use a .PH domain as compared to only 50% using .com even though .com is much older.

Why .PH is Winning Hearts in the Philippines

1. Reflecting Local Identity: One of the primary reasons for the popularity of .PH among Filipino citizens is its ability to reflect their local identity. The .PH domain extension is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) specifically designated for the Philippines. When businesses and individuals choose .PH, they are signaling their commitment to the Philippines and its unique opportunities and culture.

Furthermore, the Philippines enjoys the second highest National Pride Score of 89.1% according to the ‘World Values Survey Wave 7 in 2019’ by the World Values Survey at thus another indicator demonstrating why Philippine citizens have an increasing preference for .PH websites. Simply stated a strong sense of patriotism is evident in the Philippines and supports that using a .PH domain is the best choice to appeal to Filipinos.

Source: ‘World Values Survey Wave 7 in 2019’ by the World Values Survey at

2. Trust and Credibility: Studies show that internet users often associate ccTLDs with trust and credibility. For Philippine-based businesses, having a .PH domain can signal to customers that they are local, authentic, and dedicated to serving their community.

3. Availability and Personalization: Unlike the highly saturated .com domain space, .PH domains offer more opportunities for personalization. Users can often find the domain name they desire without resorting to complex variations or obscure combinations. This makes .PH a practical choice for businesses looking to create memorable and brand-relevant web addresses.

Data Provider’s Insights

For a broader perspective on ccTLDs vs. gTLDs, we recommend reading Data Provider’s article, “ccTLDs vs. gTLDs: Who Wins and Where” that can be found at This comprehensive study provides insights into the global domain landscape and how different extensions are faring in various regions. While .com remains a popular choice globally, the article explores the unique advantages of ccTLDs like .PH in connecting with local audiences.

In conclusion, .PH is becoming the domain extension of choice for many Philippine citizens, businesses, and organizations. Its ability to reflect local identity, enhance trust and credibility, and offer personalization options has led to its increasing popularity. As the .PH domain registry, we are proud to support our fellow Filipinos in their digital endeavors and look forward to a future where .PH continues to shine as a symbol of the Philippines’ vibrant online community.

Source: ‘ccTLDs vs. gTLDs: Who wins and where?’ by Veronika Vilgis at

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Recent Posts

How to choose the right domain name?

Elevate your online brand with the perfect domain! Explore these expert tips for choosing a memorable and influential domain name. Secure your .ph domain now and make your mark in the digital world.

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat. This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and […]

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Beware and Protect Yourself from Sextortion Emails

Recently, sextortion and fraud emails are rising rapidly. These are threatening emails alleging that the recipient has been monitored conducting personal activities while watching pornographic videos.

Sextortion scams are a type of phishing attack whereby people are forced to pay a bitcoin ransom because they have been threatened with sharing embarrassing videos of themselves visiting adult websites or sharing other sensitive information to the recipients’ entire contact list.

These scams claim that they’ve installed malware on your computer, and been able to watch, track and record all your online activities. They look credible as they provide slick technical details about how this was achieved, and sometimes the email also includes the recipient’s password. The password that they sometimes include may be real, however, it is also probably your old password. Those passwords are available on the dark web.

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How to choose the right domain name?

Elevate your online brand with the perfect domain! Explore these expert tips for choosing a memorable and influential domain name. Secure your .ph domain now and make your mark in the digital world.

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat. This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and […]

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Notice to the PH Registrant Community

This is to inform you that our partner Zoom Hosting ( is under temporary suspension since July 22, 2021. We have received a number of complaints from PH domain name owners that Zoom Hosting was unresponsive and unreachable resulting in the expiration of their domains.

As the PH registry, we would like to apologize for the behavior of Zoom Hosting and are working with them to improve the quality of service they provide. Their temporary suspension will be lifted once they comply with the minimum requirements we have tasked them to do.

We value all of our PH domain owners and we hold our registrar partners to a high standard in servicing their registrants. Our support channels are open to all PH domain owners if they have issues or concerns with their registrars.

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Recent Posts

How to choose the right domain name?

Elevate your online brand with the perfect domain! Explore these expert tips for choosing a memorable and influential domain name. Secure your .ph domain now and make your mark in the digital world.

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat. This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and […]

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Web Hosting Service Downtime Report

This downtime notice is only for web hosting (Kloxo and cPanel) services. The PH registry was not affected by this incident.

Our services, which includes shared hosting, encountered an unforeseen downtime last Sunday, March 14, 2021, starting at 1:28 AM. This is due to a sudden power fluctuation on our datacenter service providers’ facilities (ePLDT-Vitro). During the incident, their UPS did not supply power to our entire server infrastructure, resulting into the service interruption. We were able to restore all services at 2:25 PM, the same day.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are continuing to work with our service provider to avoid similar incidents in the future.

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Recent Posts

How to choose the right domain name?

Elevate your online brand with the perfect domain! Explore these expert tips for choosing a memorable and influential domain name. Secure your .ph domain now and make your mark in the digital world.

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Understanding the Risks When Your Domain Expires

In the ever-changing world of the internet, the importance of maintaining control over your domain cannot be overstated. Letting your domain expire may seem like a simple oversight, but the consequences can be severe, with the potential for domain hijacking looming as a significant threat. This article explores the risks associated with expired domains and […]

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