dotPH Rolling Out Domain Swap Service for Partners

Last May 22, we released an innovative new service called Domain Swap that lets our registrants easily swap their current domain for a new one, whether it’s for their personal brand or for selling on our Marketplace. Since then there has been significant traction among registrants swapping their domains. This includes a domain sale for $5,000 almost immediately after the domain was swapped.

The recent traction on Domain Swap is proof that there is a need for this service. Because of this we’ll be launching it on our Partner Console ahead of schedule. We initially planned on launching the service for Partner Console on Q4 but given the success stories we’ve seen with registrants using Domain Swap, we’ve decided to push its release to this month. Previously only available on the site, Domain Swap is now available to our partners via Partner Console, and will be available on Extension Provisioning Protocol (EPP) soon as an EPP extension.

To date hundreds of domains have been swapped, with a steady influx of swaps coming in everyday. The service has become a quick solution for users to easily acquire the domains they want without having to buy or register a new one. And since it lets you swap names anytime for free, Domain Swap also prevents domain kiting and domain tasting, which is good for us (the registry) and you (the registrant).

If you want to swap your current domain for a new one, click here to try Domain Swap now. And if you’re a current PH registry partner, log in to Partner Console to know more.

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